Donate NOW!
Your tax-deductible donation will help Food Ladder bring our innovative program to more schools and communities across Australia.
- Year round fresh food production.
- Food & nutrition literacy for students.
- Sustainable food practices across communities.
Result? Healthier, happier lives and stronger communities.
10+ years of empowering change. Help us keep growing!
Every $2+ donation is tax-deductible.
Ready to change how Australia eats? Donate now!
Why We Need Your Support
Did you know that 94% of Australian children do not eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables?
Food insecurity + poor nutrition = hungry stomachs & hungry brains leading to devastating health problems & lifelong workforce limitations.
But we’re changing that!
Food Ladder transforms communities, virtually overnight. Weteach life-long skills, inspiring change that lasts generations.
We’re growing acrossAustralia. Join us!
Your support fuels our growth.
Ready to grow with us?